I see dichotomy among people, who are around me. They either love or hate AI. Most don’t understand much, they think AI is ChatGPT responding to prompts. I’m not middle ground and I’m not at any extreme. AI is not anything emotional for me. I started to use and code machine learning and deep learning in 2008 so I got used to it.
Right now we see a huge bubble which is ready to burst. Many will go down with it. Most of new biznesses will go down faster than they emerged. This is normal. It happened before.
How can you survive? How to keep your job, occupation, source of income? You will be compromised like old, well used password.
I believe there is only one way.
You must be in the know.
You must learn new things as quickly as possible. Regardless where you are you must know more than peers.
I’m an artist and I love to draw, paint and compose music for fun. But I don’t make money from it at all. If you do, you must know what AI can do for you. You can hate it, but you must know how to use it.
Otherwise you will be left behind. Illustrators, 3D modelers, musicians, composers you must learn and embrace new tool because new tool allows to be faster, cheaper and ultimately, better.
Somebody said, that art directors hate creators. Not personally, but as group, which generates cost and noise. I experienced it. And now, art directors got tools, which, they think, can replace most or even all creators. They are obviously wrong, but next year? It’s quite possible.
I need to stress that creators and artists must keep their core strengths strong and growing. If you write, keep writing. If you start to lean on AI you are already doomed. You will lose ability to write. Like most of GPS users who can’t read maps. Your brain is a master at forgetting everything non-essential. And your brain immediately recognizes, which neuron and signal path are becoming unused and idle. The key is nutritional efficiency.
On the other hand, unfortunately, you must know and use bleeding edge AI tools, as well as pen, pencil or brush. And your brain must learn efficacy of new tool.
I’m a professional IT developer and I keep my ability to code sharp. I’m surely able to use newest tools, test and embrace them. And use them daily. It is quite dangerous, as it’s really easy to stop developing yourself and drown in honey of easy laziness, when you see your code spewing auto magically from your Claude and your Cursor.
The new man is going out of the forge right now, in front of our eyes.
Be one of the new men. And women of course, if you happen to be one.
This text was written by me, Tom not using any AI. Next post tomorrow, I will post the same article, enhanced by chat gpt o1