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A RabbitMQ Playground: Sending Messages Between Python Scripts

Want to explore the world of asynchronous messaging with RabbitMQ? Let’s build a simple testbed using Python to see how producers and consumers interact. All the code below is in github repo, in app directory.

Repo is a work in progress. To run RabbitMQ instance run docker-compose up -d in repo root.

Our Toolkit: Pika and a Bit of Python Magic

We’ll use Pika, a Python client for RabbitMQ, to handle the communication heavy lifting. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

1. The Foundation:

This file houses our RabbitMQ class – the backbone of our messaging system. It provides:

  • Connection Management: Establishes and manages the connection to our RabbitMQ server, gracefully handling connection errors using the connection_error_handler decorator. @connection_error_handler def connect(self) -> None: """Establish connection to RabbitMQ server""" if not self.connection or self.connection.is_closed: self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.parameters) ="Successfully connected to RabbitMQ")

Channel Setup: Creates a communication channel over the connection, essential for sending and receiving messages.

Queue Declaration: Ensures the existence of a queue with a given name, making our system more robust.

def setup_queue(self, durable: bool = True) -> None:
    """Declare the queue for publishing/consuming """, durable=durable) 

2. The Messenger:

Meet the RabbitPublisher – a class dedicated to sending messages. It extends our base RabbitMQ class and introduces:

  • Queue Targeting: Focuses on a specific queue to send messages to.
  • Message Publishing: Provides a simple publish method to effortlessly send messages to the designated queue. def publish(self, message: str) -> None: """Publish a message to the queue""" exchange="", routing_key=self.queue_name, body=message )"Published message to queue: {self.queue_name}")

3. The Listener:

This is where we introduce the RabbitConsumer, also extending RabbitMQ, and responsible for:

  • Continuous Consumption: Constantly listens to the specified queue for incoming messages using basic_consume.
  • Message Handling: When a message arrives, it’s processed by a user-defined callback function, providing flexibility in how you handle data. def consume(self, callback: Callable) -> None: """Start consuming messages from the queue""" def wrapped_callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: callback(body) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing message: {e}") ch.basic_nack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) queue=self.queue_name, on_message_callback=wrapped_callback )"Started consuming from queue: {self.queue_name}")

Putting It All Together

  1. Fire Up RabbitMQ: Ensure you have a RabbitMQ server up and running.
  2. Run the Consumer: Execute It will connect to RabbitMQ, declare a queue (if it doesn’t exist), and patiently wait for messages. # with RabbitConsumer("aqueue") as rabbit: rabbit.consume(callback) print(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")

Send a Message: Run It will connect, target the same queue as the consumer, and publish a “hello world!!” message.

rabbit = RabbitPublisher("aqueue")
rabbit.publish("hello world!!") 
  1. Witness the Magic: Observe the consumer receiving and printing the message!

Beyond the Basics

This simple setup is a springboard for exploration:

  • Experiment with Durability: Make queues persistent even after server restarts by setting durable=True in setup_queue.
  • Explore Exchanges: Route messages intelligently based on criteria beyond just queue names.
  • Implement Acknowledgements: Ensure messages are processed successfully and handled appropriately in case of failures. Notice the use of basic_ack and basic_nack in the consumer’s consume method for acknowledging or rejecting message delivery.

This RabbitMQ testbed provides a hands-on introduction to the world of message queues. Happy coding!

Code Listings:

import logging
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional
import pika
# ... (Rest of the code)

import json
import time
from rabbit import RabbitPublisher
# ... (Rest of the code)

import json
import time
from rabbit import RabbitConsumer
# ... (Rest of the code)

Using callback is in fact very simple – just pass function to the consumer and it will run when a message comes.

Installing RabbitMQ with Docker

Want to get RabbitMQ up and running quickly without the hassle of manual installation? Docker makes it a breeze! Here’s how:

  1. Install Docker: If you haven’t already, download and install Docker Desktop for your operating system from
  2. Docker Compose (Optional but Recommended): While you can run RabbitMQ directly with the docker run command, using a docker-compose.yml file offers better configuration management. If you don’t have Docker Compose installed, get it from
  3. Create Your docker-compose.yml: Create a file named docker-compose.yml (if you’re using Docker Compose) with the following content: version: '3.7' services: rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3-management hostname: rabbitmq restart: always ports: - "5672:5672" # AMQP protocol port - "15672:15672" # Management UI port environment: - RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=${RABBITMQ_USER:-guest} - RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD:-guest} volumes: - rabbitmq_data:/var/lib/rabbitmq healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "rabbitmqctl", "status"] interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 5 volumes: rabbitmq_data: driver: local


  • image: rabbitmq:3-management: We’re using the official RabbitMQ image with the management plugin included.
  • ports:: Maps ports from your host machine to the container (5672 for AMQP, 15672 for the web UI).
  • volumes:: Creates a persistent volume for RabbitMQ data, ensuring you don’t lose messages if the container restarts.
  • healthcheck:: Configures Docker to periodically check the health of the RabbitMQ container.

Start RabbitMQ:

  • Using Docker Compose: Navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file in your terminal and run: docker-compose up -d

Using Docker Run: If you prefer a single command:

docker run -d --hostname rabbitmq --name my-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

Access the Management UI: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:15672. Log in with the default credentials (username: guest, password: guest).

You will see such image:

You see the jump in messages? I comes from the following commands run in two terminals:

Terminal 1 – publisher

Terminal 2 – consumer – it is running continuously:

The queue looks like this in the RabbitMQ interface:

You see a queue in interface.

This is basic code to understand next steps – extending agencies with RabbitMQ

Illustration for article about RabbtMQ

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